Who We Are
In Divine Mind, is striving to inspire an awareness of the power that innately resides within each of us. Every Human Being on earth is sewn into the fabric of the great Divine. The Intelligence that is forever committed to the original perfection of this fabric, is the Divine Mind. Each one of us influences the fabric of life, and our intention here is to bring about a remembrance of the Divine Intelligence that is always available but rarely accessed.

About Ursula Laughton
Ursula Laughton is a wife, a mother, a business owner, a Soul Coach® and Lifeline Technique® Practitioner. Ursula enjoys listening to the messages of the Divine Mind and sharing these messages. Her intention is to inspire others to live to their full potential and to discover the truth of who they are. Ursula is very aware of life's challenges and has developed constructive ways to rise above and grow beyond the darkest times. We are all unique, yet there are principles of life that are common to all of us, and when abided by, can create obvious miracles. With the help of the Divine Mind, she has been able to discover and put into practice these principles to personally experience incredible outcomes. She has teamed up with some truly soulful coaches who hold the same intentions to see their clients thrive. Everyone deserves to live their best life. With the right tools, wisdom and support, this higher experience of life is absolutely possible.
Soul Coaching®
Soul Coaching® offers a springboard to discover the truth of who you are and a clearer understanding of your innate connection to the natural world. Discover the symbolism of nature and how the subconscious mind speaks to you through nature. The more you develop your ability to decipher the messages from your Soul, the more in the flow of your life you'll become. You will be supported to explore 'The Self' through the Elements, Soul Journeying and gathering an understanding of the Universal principles that powerfully support us to create our reality.
Lifeline Technique® - Subconscious Emotional Healing
This 16-step modality, uses muscle testing to create a conversation with the subconscious mind, and provides a road map to the root cause of any physical or emotional challenge - transforming struggle into understanding. Individual perception is governed by past programming, trauma and drama and directly influences the experience we have of life.
This powerful modality aligns your perception with the truth of who you are and brings about powerful positive changes from the inside out.
Mind Coaching
Are you are an athlete, entrepreneur, student or are simply having a hard time with optimising your abilities in your field due to doubts or lacking clear vision? Ursula can assist you to train your mind to bring about better physical performance, intentional outcomes and greater confidence. When you understand the role that the mind plays in everything you set out to achieve, you gain a significant advantage. The field of mind training is growing in popularity and with the right coach you can achieve practically anything you put your mind to.
Why work with Ursula...
Life Changing
Thanks to this outstanding woman my life has started changing in SO many ways I can't express my gratitude for the journey enough. I've broken so many bad habits and behaviours the last 2 months. It's so amazing to be so much more in tune with my mind and body! She's helped me break 25 years of walls that I put up and effectively stood in my own way and had a victim mentality.
Now (still a work in progress) I mentally feel the strongest I have ever been.
I'm no longer medicated for severe anxiety and my body is healing thanks to positive energy within myself.
Thank you so much for pushing my boundaries as I'm now in the best place spiritually than I have ever been and my life is finally peaceful and abundant.
You will not regret talking to Ursula she will change your life if you're open.
xx Beck H
Healing and improving
Ursula knew little about me, expect for a photo sent to her. The first remote session she conducted for me was/is nothing short of extraordinary. She pinpointed to a tee what I was experiencing and strategies to 'shift' things that are limiting me. I was able to use this session in a very practical way the very day after it was done... I can't recommend her highly enough and will continue to add her skills to my 'kit bag' of healing and improving my mental and personal health each day. Foxy
A lighthouse in rocky times
I have been guided in meditation by Ursula for the past three years. This has been extremely valuable for me. I have a job with significant responsibilities, and even more importantly, I am a primary carer to my children. The calm and grounding meditation that Ursula has brought has helped me to bring wisdom to my home and work, and assists me to be in the "here and now" with my family so that I can be a lighthouse for them in rocky times. It also helps me to remain optimistic and grateful regardless of what life brings. Ursula's generous spirit and dedicated preparation are a real treasure. xx Helen
Stronger physically and mentally
Ursula is amazing and has incredible insight with supporting me through my bouts of ill health. I am stronger physically and mentally to overcome and deal with the symptoms. I love my sessions with this beautiful angel! Lorna
World Cup Journey
I cannot thank you enough for your contribution to the success of my Third World Cup journey.
Getting older with more injuries I feared how I would be able to push further, train harder, stay fitter, faster, stronger than my opponents. I knew I had to be smarter, so I sort you out and you delivered. Giving me many tools to visualise, meditate, feel, breathe, relax, calm, focus, let go, empower, energised, save energy, refuel, release tension, feel pain - let it go - recover, believe, trust, you opened up a whole new world for me. It was a game changer in my approach not only in my training, teaching and recovery but everyday life. Your calming voice I hear often when I'm in a challenging situation. Your meditation, individualised and spontaneously adapted each session according to my needs is amazing and so professional, you really know how to get the best out of your clients. I cannot recommend you highly enough, I appreciate all the time and effort you put into guiding me. I'm looking forward to working with you more over the next four years. I have another four years competing as your mental training, meditation and breathing exercises made this World Cup easier than my last. Your techniques and passion in this field is exciting I loved every session. Thank you xx Dee xx
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